Dear Mr. Spacey, I had just recently discovered this page after taking time to enjoy some of your great movies and TV appearances because I realized how much you’ve been missed, and then left a message of support. That was before your statement regarding the documentary was released on X. I just wanted to say that I’m so sorry that you have to continue to deal with this and defend yourself against networks and producers with ill intentions. I watched your interview twice and I’m so happy that you’re passionate about defending yourself, being so vulnerable and cleared the air. I was hoping all this would be behind you and you could just focus on all of the amazing projects that you have coming your way, so it frustrates me that you have to deal with this challenge. The media feeds off of untruths, exaggerated stories, and encounters that are taken out of context. My hope is that there will be a bright light on the other side as I saw in your interview that your current projects are bringing you much happiness. Your fans, I being one of them love you very much and will always support you. Your charm and resilience will always shine. Hang in there you handsome fella

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