Stay Spacey, Mr. Fowler


Our mission is to support a great artist.
This is the place where fans can leave a message for Kevin, tell us what he represents for them or tell us about moments spent with him.
In this space, created specially for supporters, you won’t find any advertising: Support Kevin Spacey is a non-profit organization, the only gain that this site wants to get is the support to who is, undoubtedly, one of the most talented artists of our time.
We want to give him back a little of the joy he gave us.

“If you’re lucky enough to do well, it’s your responsibility to send the elevator back down.” – Kevin Spacey


Leave a support message to Kevin

Recent Messages

06 Feb

Kevin from Chicago (USA) 🇺🇸

Dear Kevin, We’ve never met, but you’ve had a profound impact on our lives. My name is Kevin—just like you. My mom was a huge fan of your work, and when I was born in 2000, she decided to name me after you. She was a true movie lover, especially when it came to old films. She adored Charlie Chaplin and would always show me movies starring Jack Lemmon, Paul Newman, Gene Wilder, and Steve McQueen. She raised me on her own—it was just me, her, and a big family made up almost entirely of women. I had a wonderful life, and

04 Feb

Ivan from Tivat (Montenegro) 🇲🇪

Dear Mr. Spacey, I’ve been following your career for decades, and in my opinion Mr. Lemon did a tremendous job, that is a pupil exceeds his master. And to make long story short, I am very sad because producers and your colleagues treat you the same way as  would people from McCarthy’s era. But, we know from history that public humiliation is needed from time to time to keep the system running. At least, no more guillotines & burning at stakes. Many people from Serbia and Montenegro will be happy to see you on big screen, again! I  believe it will

02 Feb

Eli from Urbana (USA) 🇺🇸

Kevin- You’re the type of actor that makes me buy a ticket without knowing the film. My favorite films have you in them- and many of them are due to your artistry.  Hang on man- I can’t die without another spacey flick. – Read our Stories and visit our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

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