Kevin Spacey has booked a role in an upcoming British indie thriller. The feature, titled Control from Cupsogue Pictures, will see the embattled actor play a voice role, similar to Kiefer Sutherland’s in 2002 film Phone Booth.

Written and directed by Gene Fallaize (Superman Requiem), Control tells the story of a British government minister, Stella Simmons, who has embarked on a torrid affair with the Prime Minister. One night, as Simmons heads home in her self-driving car, she finds the vehicle remotely hijacked by someone who knows her secret and wants revenge. Soon, the car is taken on a rampage through the streets of London with Simmons trapped inside.

Simmons is played by Lauren Metcalfe (Full Bodied) while the Prime Minister will be played by Mark Hampton. Spacey plays the disembodied antagonist taking control of Simmons’ car. Shooting is set to take place early next year at Camberwell Studios and on location in London, while Spacey will wrap this week.

Despite the ongoing legal battles, writer and director Fallaize said he wrote the script for Control with Spacey in mind. Fallaize says he “grew up” watching Spacey as a film fan and said while the controversy surrounding Spacey was “a consideration, I wouldn’t say it was a concern.” Fallaize told Variety:

He’s one of the greatest actors of our generation. His personal life aside — it’s something I can’t comment on and have no knowledge of — it’s an opportunity to work with one of the acting greats.

Control is produced by Adam Southwick (Cain Hill) and Emily Hasseldine (Beneath) for Cupsogue Pictures in association with CineNorth Studios. Fallaize also executive produces.

Source: Variety

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